Salesforce Course In Hyderabad
Salesforce Course In Hyderabad
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Salesforce Course In Hyderabad
> Introduction to salesforce basics.
–>Salesforce releases,editions on salesforce,Multitenant architecture.
–>How to create the Apps,Objects,fields,tabs,pagelayout,record-level management –>with different
–>Datatypes (we have 19dataypes)
> Relationships in salesforce
–>Lookup Relationship.
–>Lookup Filter Configuration.
–>Lookup Dialog Configuration.
–>Master-Detail Relationship.
–>Converting Lookup to Master-Detail.
–>Converting Master-Detail to Lookup.
–>Hierarchical Relationship.
–>Roll-up Summary Fields.
–>One-One Relationship.
–>Many-Many Relationship.
–>Standard Relationships.
–>Standard Junction Objects.
> Formulas and validation
> Data-security
–>Overview of security
–>Licenses overview
1. Types of Licences , 2. Available Licences
–>Types of securities
1.Organization level security:
1.User overview 2.creating a user 3.Editing the user details 4.Reset the user password 5.Deactivate the user
6. freeze the users 7. login history 8. Grant account login access 9.Login access policies 10.
Viewaudit setup trails 11. expire all user passwords 12. session settings
2.Profile level security (or) object level security
Under profile-level security we will discuss regarding Types of profiles,Creating
customprofiles,Assigning profiles to users.
3.Field-level security
4.Record-level security:
Under record-level security we will discuss the concepts of roles,Rolehierarchy,OWD(organizationwide default), Sharing settings,Transfer record ownership
5.Sharing settings
Under sharing types that there are two types of sharing mechanism are available.They are manual
and automated sharing/
1. Manual sharing
1. sharing record a single user 2. sharing record to multiple user 3.public groups
4. Overview of public groups 5. creating public group
6. sharing record to public groups
2. Automate sharing
1. sharing rules overview 2. creating sharing rules.
–>Transfer record ownership
Here we will discuss the concepts of Manual transfer,Queues and Automate transfer.
1.Overview of transfer 2. Types of Record Transfer 3. Manual Transfer(1. Transfer record
ownership to user).
4. Queue (1. Queues overview,2. creating queue,3. transfer records to queue)
5. Automated transfer(1. Assignment rules overview,2. Creating Assignment rules
(1. Lead assignment rules , 2. Case Assignment Rules)
3. Transfer Record to Queue automatically).
–>Web to Lead,Web to Case and also Configure email to case
–>lead auto-response rules,case auto-response rules
–>case escalation rules
> Permission-Sets
1.PermissionSets overview 2. creating PermissionSets 3. Assigning PermissionSets to users
> Email templates
we will derive different usecases to explain the 4 types of email templates.
> Data Management/Data migration
–>we will discuss different tools under this
Data-loader,Data-import wizard,,workbench
> Data-automation tools
–>Approval process
–>auto-launched flows
(sheduled triggered flow,platform event flow,record-triggered flow)
> Sales cloud
*)Campaign Management,Leads Management,Accounts Management,Contacts Management
Opportunities Management,Cases Management
*)Quote&Quote line items,Product,pricebook
*)Lead Standard Fields,Lead Custom Fields
*)Lead Layout
*)Import Leads
*)Custom List Views
*)Lead queue,Lead Assignment
*)Score Rating
*)Web to Lead,Lead Auto Response Rule,Lead Settings,Lead Analytics,Lead Convert Field Mapping
Lead Duplicate Rule,Lead Process: Lead Status Picklist
> Service cloud
*)Introduction to service cloud
*)Case management
*)Case management:case escalation rule
*)Setup salesforce knowledge
*)Live web-chats
*)Omni-channel routing
*)All basics of salesforce
–>coming to basics we will cover datatypes(primitive,sobject),conditional statements,
iterative statements,Array,Collections(List,set,map)
*)OOPS Concepts
–>classes,objects,object relationship management,creating bulk records, getset
overriding&overloading),wrapper classes,abstraction,interface,static and instance
*)Exception handling
–>try,catch,finally,throw block
–>List of exceptions(Dml exception,limit exception,List exception,Math
exception,null-pointer exception,custom exception) with different usecases.
–>Under this we will discuss by taking different usecases by writing some
apex-programs with soql .
–>and also we will discuss(order-by,where,in,like operator,offset,forupdate,limit
clause,ALL rows)
–>DML Statements(Insert,update,delete,upsert,undelete,merge)
–>Database class methods with different usecases and Transactional control statements.
–>Trigger events(Before insert,Before update,Before delete,After insert,
After update,After delete,After undelete)
–>Trigger context variables
–>Best practices,order of executions of triggers
–>Trigger handler factory
–>Deriving the multiple examples based on triggers from base-level to advanced-level.
*)Email programming
–>outbound email features(Messaing.singleemail class,Messaing.massemail class)–>sending the email
–>Inbound email featured(Messaing.Inboundemail handler)–>receiving the email.
*)Asynchronous programming
–>future method
–>queuable apex.
–>Discussion of entire all tags overview by taking different usecases.
<Apex:page>,<apex:SectionHeader>,<apex:pageBlock> etc;
–>visual-force controllers(standard,custom,extension)
–>Implementing css in vf-pages.
–>Taking different test-cases from base-level to advanced level.
–>@istest,@testsetup,bulk datacreation
–>writing test-cases on triggers.
–>writing test-cases on batch-apex,future-method,queuable-apex,shedule-apex
> Integration
*)Introduction to integration
*)Full overview of json
*)Discussion on rest-api
*)OAuth authentication(Integration with external systems)
*)Integration with external apis
Lwc (Lightning web components)
> Introduction to Lightning web-components
*)Why salesforce introduced lwc
*)comparison between aura and lwc.
> Software setup
Fundamentals of LWC
Fundamentals of LWC
*)Design the first lwc components
*)One-way and two-way databinding
*)getters in lwc
*)Conditional-rendering(if:true,if:false),Template looping(for:each and iterator)
Composition and Query selectors
> Styles in lwc
Lifecycle hooks
Lifecycle hooks
*)Flow of licecycle hooks
*)Connected-callback,Rendereedcallback,Errorcallback,Disconnected- callback
*)Create a signin and signup form using render method.
> Component Communication
*)Parent to Child communication
*)Child to parent communications by creating custom event.
*)Demonstrating a realtime userstories by creating different form andmaking an interaction
between parent to child components.
> Communication between independent Components: PUBSUB AND LMS
*)Lightning Message service:
Communication between lwc to lwc
Communication between lwc to aura
communication between lwc,aura and visualforce.
> Salesforce resource component context and notifications
*)Images from static resources,Thirdparty javascript libraries in lwc, Using Thirdparty css library
*)Content Asset Files,Access labels,Access Client Form Factor
*)Get Information About the Current User,Fetch recordid and object name
*)Toast Notifications
> Base lightning components
*)Illustrating different examples on account,contact, and opportunity,lead andcase object.A part
from that creating different forms using the custom objects also
> Apex in lwc
*)when to use apex method
*)How to import and expose apex methods
*)wire apex method with parameters
*)call apex methods imperatively
> Navigation service
*)Navigate To Home,Navigate To Chatter,Navigation To New Record
*)Navigate To List View,Navigate To Files
*)Navigate To Record Page in View and Edit Mode,Navigate to tab,Navigate to external webpage,Navigate To lwc-component,Navigate to vf-page.
> LDS Wire adapters
*)Create records,update records,delete records from the component.
*)Wire method,How wire is reactive
*)Different types of examples needs to be covered for wire adapters
Book-listing Api with rest callout
> Introduction to experience(community) cloud and deploying the lwc components to experience cloud
Realtime usecase/project work on salesforce
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