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Java Full Stack Developer Course in Hyderabad

Learn the latest technologies, frameworks, and tools required to build dynamic, scalable web applications, and gain hands-on experience to excel in today’s competitive tech industry.
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    Java Full Stack Developer

    Stay ahead of the curve with our Full Stack Developer services, powered by leading-edge technologies. Our expert team leverages the latest frameworks and tools to create dynamic, scalable applications that meet your business needs. From front-end design to back-end integration, we deliver innovative, high-performance solutions for your digital transformation.

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    Java Full Stack Developer Course Curriculum

    Core Java

    > Introduction
    • Introduction to Programming Concepts
    • Java Introduction
    • Download and Install Java
    • Developing a Java Application at command prompt
    • Download and Install Eclipse IDE
    • Developing a Java Application in Eclipse IDE
    • Variables
    • Data types – Primitive Types and Reference Types
    • Casting – Implicit Casting and Explicit Casting
    • JShell tool
    • Operators
    • Reading input from keyboard using Scanner class
    • Control Statements
      1. if statement
      2. switch statement
      3. while loop
      4. do .. while loop
      5. for loop
      6. break and continue
    • Creating an Array
    • One Dimensional Arrays
    • Example programs using Arrays
    • Classes and Objects
    • Constructors
    • static keyword
    • Packages
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism – Method overloading and Method Overriding
    • super reference
    • Constructors in Inheritance
    • final keyword
    • Inner Classes
    • Access Modifiers – private, default, protected and public
    • Encapsulation
    • Abstract classes
    • Interfaces
    • Java Coding Standards

    ❖ Object class
    ❖ String class
    ❖ StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes
    ❖ Methods of String class
    ❖ Math class, System class
    ❖ Wrapper classes

    ❖ Types of Errors
    ❖ Exception keywords – try, catch, finally, throw, throws
    ❖ Exception Hierarchy
    ❖ Exception Categories – checked and unchecked
    ❖ try with multiple catch blocks
    ❖ User Defined exceptions
    ❖ Methods of Throwable class

    ❖ Introduction to threads
    ❖ Thread Life Cycle –State Transition Diagram of a Thread
    ❖ Creating threads using Thread class and Runnable interface
    ❖ Methods of Thread class
    ❖ Thread Priorities
    ❖ Synchronization
    ❖ Inter Thread communication

    ❖ Introduction to Collections, Collections Hierarchy
    ❖ List – ArrayList, LinkedList classes
    ❖ Generics in Collections
    ❖ Enhanced for loop in Collections
    ❖ Set – HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet classes
    ❖ Map –HashMap, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap classes
    ❖ Iterating List, Set and Map
    ❖ Comparator interface

    ❖ Functional Interfaces
    ❖ default and static methods in Interfaces
    ❖ private methods in interfaces
    ❖ Lambda Expressions
    ❖ forEach( ) method
    ❖ Stream API

    ❖ Introduction to Streams,
    ❖ Types of Streams – Byte Streams and Character Streams
    ❖ InputStream sub classes
    β€’ FileInputStream
    β€’ BufferedInputStream
    β€’ DataInputStream
    ❖ OutputStream sub classes
    β€’ FileOutputStream
    β€’ BufferedOutputStream,
    β€’ DataOutputStream
    ❖ Reader subclass
    β€’ FileReader
    β€’ BufferedReader
    ❖ Writer sub classes
    β€’ FileWriter
    β€’ BufferedWriter
    ❖ Serialization – ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream

    ❖ Introduction to Database and SQL
    ❖ Download and Install MySQL Database Server
    ❖ SQL Command Types – DDL, DML, DQL, TCL
    ❖ DQL – SELECT Command

    ❖ Introduction to JDBC
    ❖ Steps to connect to Database using JDBC
    ❖ Statement Interface, PreparedStatement interface

    Part 2 : Web Technologies

    > Web Technologies

    ❖ HTML
    ❖ CSS and Bootstrap
    ❖ XML
    ❖ JSON
    ❖ JavaScript
    ❖ TypeScript

    ❖ Angular Introduction
    ❖ Angular Setup
    ❖ Creating an Angular Project
    ❖ Running an Angular Project
    ❖ Understanding Angular Folder Structure
    ❖ Creating Components in Angular
    ❖ Data Binding
    ❖ Angular Directives
    ❖ Angular Services
    ❖ Angular Forms
    ❖ Angular Routing to develop Single Page Applications
    ❖ Angular HttpModule

    Part 3 : Advance Java / Java EE

    > Java EE Introduction

    ❖ Java EE Introduction
    ❖ Components of Java EE
    ❖ Types of Servers – Web Servers, Application Servers

    ❖ Introduction to Servlets, Servlet Hierarchy
    ❖ Servlet Life Cycle
    ❖ Developing Servlets using GenericServlet and HttpServlet
    ❖ Reading HTML form data into Servlet
    ❖ GET vs POST methods
    ❖ Developing a Login Application using Servlets

    ❖ Introduction to JSP, JSP Life cycle
    ❖ JSP Tags – Directives, Scripting elements, Action tags
    ❖ JSP implicit objects
    ❖ Using Java Beans in JSP
    ❖ Custom Tags in JSP
    ❖ JSTL

    Part 4 : Frameworks

    > Hibernate Framework

    ❖ ORM Overview, Hibernate Architecture
    ❖ Developing a Hibernate Application
    ❖ CRUD Operations in Hibernate
    ❖ Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
    ❖ Hibernate Criteria API
    ❖ Inheritance using Hibernate
    ❖ Hibernate Associations
    ❖ Annotations in Hibernate

    ❖ Springs Overview, Spring Modules, Dependency Injection
    ❖ Spring Core Module
    ❖ Spring Bean Module, Injecting Beans
    ❖ Autowiring using @Autowired annotation
    ❖ Spring DAO Module
    Β β€’ Spring JDBC ModuleΒ 
    Β β€’ Spring ORM Module (Hibernate)
    Β β€’ Spring Data JPA Module
    ❖ Spring MVC Module
    ❖ Spring Boot Module
    ❖ Spring REST Module
    ❖ Developing a Spring REST CRUD Application using Spring Boot

    ❖ Introduction to Microservices
    ❖ Microservices Architecture
    ❖ Microservices vs SOA
    ❖ Developing a Microservice Application using Spring Boot and
    Eureka Server

    Part 5 : Real Time Tools

    > Real time tools

    ❖ Maven tool
    ❖ GitHub tool
    ❖ JUnit tool with Mockito
    ❖ Lombok tool
    ❖ Postman tool

    Part 6 : Project

    > Project using Spring Boot and Angular

    ❖ Project using Spring Boot and Angular

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Where is the training institute located?
    Our institute is located Hyderabad Telangana India – 500081
    Yes, we offer both online and in-person classes to accommodate different learning preferences.
    You can enroll by visiting our website and filling out the registration form, or you can visit our institute in person for assistance.
    Eligibility varies by course. Some courses may require prior knowledge or specific qualifications, while others are open to beginners. Contact us for details on your chosen course.
    Course fees vary depending on the program. Please visit our website or contact us for detailed information.
    Yes, we offer flexible payment plans for certain courses. Contact us for more information.
    Yes, we have partnerships with various companies and provide job placement assistance to our students.
    We allow retakes in certain circumstances. Please contact our administration for further information.
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